Habits of Success

As humans, small business owners, side hustlers and entrepreneurs we are all creatures of habit. When we do something consistently, it becomes a habit. The action feels effortless and often we don’t even register we are doing it. Habits help us carry out our routines on autopilot, reducing decision fatigue and saving our energy and willpower for other occasions. 

The key is to be aware of your habits, remove the ones that aren’t helping you reach your goals and replace them with those that will. For instance, when you first wake up your habit might be to check your phone notifications. Doing this, more often than not, leads to getting distracted by social media and 30 mins later and you’ve sacrificed prime time you could have used to exercise, prevent rushing, or check off a task on your to-do-list. To achieve success you need to have control over your habits and use them to your benefit.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny” -Mahatma Gandhi

1. Journaling: Your Daily Habit for Success

Embracing the habit of daily gratitude is a powerful reminder to appreciate the present moment and reflect on the day’s experiences. The practice involves writing down what has brought you joy, no matter how small or insignificant, first thing when you wake up and last thing before you sleep. When done consistently, gratitude practice cultivates a positive mindset and helps you approach problems with a productive perspective. Instead of succumbing to frustration or anger, you learn to navigate setbacks with grace, viewing them as integral parts of your growth. 

The entrepreneurial lifestyle is a fast paced one, and it can be easy to always be looking ahead at your next target rather than pausing to acknowledge how far you have come and what you have achieved. Practising daily gratitude enables you to take a moment to express thanks for every stage of your journey, both the triumphs and the trials, reinforcing a sense of perspective and appreciation. 

In Greenlights, Matthew McConaughey reveals he has kept a journal since the age of 15. Using them to keep track of his habits, lifestyle choices and to process his thoughts and emotions. He is a consistent journaler, writing in it daily, often starting with the phrase “Today I’m grateful for…” as a way to focus on gratitude. McConaughey identifies journaling as a fundamental source of his positive outlook in his life. 

McConaughey has led a very successful career and has attributed some of that success to journaling. Keeping the habit in his daily routine for the majority of his life has clearly paid off and is worth learning from.

open journal left open on bedside

I personally use a journal that helps with my productivity and habits as well as prompting me to practise gratitude

2. Reading: A Workout For The Brain

Incorporating reading into your daily routine is a powerful strategy for achieving success. Acting as a workout for your brain, reading engages your mind, improves cognitive functions and expands your knowledge. By learning the experiences and insights of others through books, you gain valuable lessons without having to personally navigate similar situations.

“What you do and learn in life physically changes what your brain looks like - it literally rewires it” - John Medina

Adopting a modest yet consistent approach, such as committing to reading 5-10 pages a day, allows for steady progress and knowledge accumulation. It’s not about the quantity of books consumed, but the quality of understanding you derive from them. Focussing on putting the lessons from one book into practice is more effective than skimming through numerous titles. Additionally, your choice of reading material is just as important. Pick books that genuinely resonate with your interests and aspirations rather than those you feel obligated to read. If you aren’t enjoying the book you started, put it down and find another.

“Reading an hour a day is only 4% of your day. But that 4% will put you at the top of your field within 10 years. Find the time” - Patrick Bet-David

At the time of writing I'm reading Four Thousand Weeks, Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman

3. Sleeping: The Underappreciated Habit Needed for Success

Success requires a considerable amount of energy, a fact often overshadowed by societal expectations that glorify the idea that burning the midnight oil is synonymous with productivity. This mindset is not only unrealistic but also unsustainable and detrimental to overall well-being. In fact, a 2018 study published in Sleep found that people who sleep less than 7 hours are 19% less productive. 

The consequences of sleep deprivation extend beyond fatigue and irritability, it can seriously inhibit bodily functions. Acknowledging the importance of adequate rest and prioritising it in your daily routine will help you remain highly productive and healthy during your entrepreneurial journey. 

Steven Bartlett, CEO, investor, dragon on Dragon’s Den and host of Diary of a CEO podcast is famously known to prioritise his sleep by not setting a morning alarm. He ensures no meetings are booked before lunch and prefers to spend his time journaling, reading or listening to a podcast. 

Not all of us are able to afford such a luxury, but we can learn from his lifestyle choices by prioritising sleep. Success is not solely about working harder; it’s about working smarter, and ensuring sufficient rest is integral to maintaining the energy levels required for sustained productivity.

4. Exercise: Keep your Body and Mind Primed for Success

Integrating regular exercise into your routine isn’t just a matter of physical fitness; it’s an investment in both your mental and physical well-being. A study in the Journal of Population Health Management found that infrequent exercise is linked with a 50 percent increased risk of low productivity. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain which plays a crucial role in supplying the glucose needed for optimal cognitive function. This not only enhances focus but also sharpens the brain’s capacity to carry out complex tasks.

Exercising in the morning when your brain is most receptive presents you with the perfect opportunity to multitask. Whether you are in the gym or taking a stroll, pairing exercise with a podcast allows you to maximise the use of your time.  By the time you’ve got off the treadmill, you could have solved two business problems and be filled with inspiration and motivation to start your task list! 

The positive effects of exercise extend beyond business hours, contributing to a better night’s sleep. In the high-stakes game of entrepreneurship, where sustained energy is paramount, regular exercise becomes not just a habit but a strategic tool for success.

“In order to optimise your ability, morning exercise is important because it brings you into a peak mental, physical, and emotional state so that you can win the day.” - Hal Rod

5. Meal prep: The Monthly Habit That Will Set You up For Success

Embracing the habit of meal prepping is a strategic game-changer for entrepreneurs who understand the precious value of time. In a world where every minute counts, viewing cooking as a waste of time is common. Yes, cooking from scratch for every meal can be time consuming, but the trick is to dedicate time to meal prep in bulk. This way you not only reclaim time that can be spent on your venture, but also save money. 

Homemade meals are a cost-effective alternative to ready meals, allowing you to redirect those savings back into your businesses. The provision of standby snacks as a part of meal prep is a smart strategy to curb cravings and mitigate the need for impromptu, potentially unhealthy decisions. Planning and preparing healthy choices in advance is key to sidestepping the pitfalls of hasty, last-minute food decisions that often accompany the chaotic entrepreneur’s lifestyle. 

Reaching for a pre-prepped meal is not only a time-saving solution but also a proactive measure against succumbing to the allure of less nutritious options which won’t provide you with the energy you need to maintain focus.

Tip: Pick 3 recipes to master and rotate between cooking them. Soon they will become second nature and you can add another one to the mix.
spaghetti bolognese in three containers as meal prep

I find bolognese an easy meal to prepare in bulk and freeze. You can then defrost it and serve with freshly cooked pasta when you are in a rush.


It is our daily habits that compound over time and play a significant role in who we become and what we achieve. Achieving success is not merely about working harder, it’s about crafting a lifestyle that works smarter. Each habit, carefully cultivated, becomes a stepping stone towards success. Although on the surface, journaling, reading, sleeping, exercise and meal-prep may appear to be habits that belong in personal time, the research shows that they are all crucial for business success.

Try using the five habits we have covered in this blog as the building blocks for your own routine. Take them and shape them into one you will enjoy, as “success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” -Albert Schweitzer